<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM"^^ . "Children in conflict with the law in Indonesia must be tried in a special court \r\nfor children with a special process and special officials who understand and understand\r\nchildren, but with the principle of child protection, especially with the existence of nondiscriminatory\r\nprinciples\r\nthat\r\nprioritize\r\nthe\r\nbest\r\ninterests\r\nof\r\nthe\r\nchild.\r\nTherefore,\r\nit\r\nis\r\n\r\nnecessary\r\nto\r\nsettle\r\ncases\r\noutside\r\nthe\r\ncourt.\r\nIn\r\naccordance\r\nwith\r\narticle\r\n8\r\nof\r\nLaw\r\nno.\r\n11\r\n\r\nof\r\n2012\r\nconcerning\r\nthe\r\nJuvenile\r\nCriminal\r\nJustice\r\nSystem,\r\nthe\r\nsettlement\r\nof\r\nchildren's\r\n\r\ncases\r\n\r\noutside the court is called Diversion. Fathers as one of the institutions to carry\r\nout guidance for correctional clients and is one of the technical implementation units\r\noutside the correctional institution that plays an important role in the implementation\r\nof Diversion of children in conflict with the law. Based on this, researchers are\r\ninterested in examining how the implementation of the role of the Yogyakarta BAPAS\r\nClass I institution in the implementation of Diversion and how to supervise the\r\nimplementation of the Diversion process and the implementation of the results of the\r\nDiversion agreement in BAPAS Class I Yogyakarta.? \r\nThis research is a field research (field research). In this study, the analytical\r\nmethod used is descriptive with an empirical juridical approach, namely research that\r\nrefers to Laws and Government Regulations, which still examines law as a social\r\nreality. In this study the authors use the method of interview results are collaborated\r\nwith the theory and the theory of restorative justice objectives (RestorativeJustice).The\r\nresearch location is the Class I Correctional Center (BAPAS) Yogyakarta. \r\nThe results of the study show that children in conflict with the law are\r\naccompanied by the Fathers from the examination process until the court's decision is\r\nissued. To help facilitate the investigation process, BAPAS was assigned to make\r\nLitmas which was then handed over to the police. In carrying out BAPAS Class I\r\nYogyakarta Diversion, it acts as a deputy facilitator, whose duty is to accompany,\r\nmediate, and provide advice so that the Diversion agreement is reached. Diversion can\r\nfail either at the police, prosecutor's, or court stages. Achieving the Diversion\r\nagreement depends on the child of the victim and his guardian, the child of the\r\nperpetrator and his guardian in conducting deliberation, negotiation and agreement.\r\nSupervision of the Diversion agreement is carried out in accordance with the results of\r\nthe Diversion that have been issued from the court, for example AKKOT with\r\nguidance, AKKOT with supervision, and compensation. If the perpetrator's child\r\nviolates the agreement as a result of the Diversion, the PK will remind, if it still violates,\r\nthe PK will then report to the superior, and the Diversion agreement can be canceled\r\nand submitted to the court"^^ . "2022-01-19" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS SYARI'AH DAN HUKUM, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM: 18103040013"^^ . "HANDAYANI PUTMADINI"^^ . "NIM: 18103040013 HANDAYANI PUTMADINI"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Text)"^^ . . . . . "18103040013_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Text)"^^ . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "IMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN\r\n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \r\nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #49634 \n\nIMPLEMENTASI PERAN LEMBAGA BALAI PEMASYARAKATAN \n(BAPAS) KELAS I YOGYAKARTA DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIVERSI \nPADA PERKARA ANAK YANG BERKONFLIK DENGAN HUKUM\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Hukum" . .