%A NIM.: 18200010023 Adini Nur Azizah %O Pembimbing: Dr. Eva Latipah, S. Ag., S.Psi., M.Si %T DINAMIKA PSIKOLOGIS SANTRI PENGHAFAL AL-QUR’AN : GAMBARAN KEPRIBADIAN, PERSEPSI, EMOSI DAN PERILAKU %X Based on the previous literature, there already plenty of academic studies that discussed about the psychological well-being of students who memorize the AlQuran, but unfortunately there is no research that specifically explains personality, perceptions, emotions, and behavior. The existence of life problems experienced by students who memorize the Al-Quran and other factors makes it necessary to discuss further the personality, perceptions, emotions and behaviors experienced by students who memorize the Al-Quran. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenology approach. The primary data in this study came from 12 respondents consisting of 6 male students and 6 female students. Data collection methods used in this study include in-depth interviews, informal conversations, documentation, and observation. This research was conducted at the Andalusia Islamic Boarding School Banjarnegara. The analysis technique in this study uses phenomenology analysis. The results showed that eleven of the twelve participants who were students who memorized the Al-Quran were included in the category of unhealthy personalities. those happen because there are still basic needs that have been fully unsatisfied. In the perception section, students define memorizing the Al-Quran as an activity of memorizing, reading, remembering, learning the meaning of the verses of the AlQuran and practicing it, as well as keeping the verses of the Al-Quran in order to get the right instructions and get syafaat at the end of the day. The next perception is that there are two different opinions, those are; memorizing the Al-Quran as an obligation and memorizing the Al-Quran as an option. Student also argues that the Al-Quran must be practiced in everyday life. In the emotion section, some of the emotions felt by students include; (1) feeling sad, angry, and offended by friends, (2) feeling sad and angry because of family problems, (3) feeling happy because of the achievement of grades and Al-Quran memorization, (4) feeling sad and anxious about obligations that are not fulfilled, (5) boredom with activities at the Boarding School. The behaviors shown by student in expressing their emotions include: (1) skipping boarding activities (2) venting anger when angry (3) lying to others to solve problems (4) Running away or leaving from boarding school without permission (5) carrying prohibited goods (6) keep quiet and calming self down when angry (7) tell the closest people to relieve anger. %K Kepribadian, Abraham Maslow, Pondok Pesantren Andalusia , Santri %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49651