%A NIM. 18103040060 NABILA PUTRI WIDYANI %O DR. H. AHMAD BAHIEJ, S.H., M.HUM. %T PELAKSANAAN PEMBINAAN TERHADAP NARAPIDANA SELAMA PANDEMI DI LAPAS KELAS IIA YOGYAKARTA %X Correctional institutions are part of the criminal justice system that leads to the goal of resocialization. Given the limited space in prisons, usually the initial stage of development programs are carried out together. But at the beginning of 2020 the world was shocked by the spread of a new pneumonia outbreak named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Due to the outbreak, there was an instruction from the Director General of Lapas which called for the temporary suspension of coaching activities involving outsiders, this of course had an impact on coaching activities. Guidance that is not optimal is feared to cause the goal of the Correctional Institution to not be achieved and lead to repetition of criminal acts when they have been declared free from punishment. The research use field research method by collecting data directly at Lapas Kelas IIA Yogyakarta with data collection techniques in the form of direct observation at Lapas Kelas IIA Yogyakarta and the writer had interview with officers and several inmates at Lapas Kelas IIA Yogyakarta. The approach in this research is a sociological juridical approach, that answering the problem formulation through field research. The research use theory of legal compliance, the theory of expediency, and the theory of legal effectiveness. From the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the implementation of coaching at the Lapas Kelas IIA Yogyakarta during the Covid19 pandemic was carried out in accordance with existing regulations and carried out coaching by looking at the Instructions of the Director General (Dirjen) of Corrections Number Pas-08.Ot.02.02 of 2020 concerning Prevention, Handling, Control and Recovery of Covid-19 at the Correctional Unit. In addition, there are several obstacles that occur in prisons including: a.) It is difficult for the families of the inmates to be contacted to ask for guarantees on the reintegration of the inmates; b.) Virtual family visits due to the pandemic; c.) Limited time in contacting family; d.) Limited implementation of physical development; e.) Slow reintegration management; f.) Lack of self-awareness in the WBP; g.) WBP's mindset that is difficult to change; h.) Limited funds owned by prisons; and i.) Lack of community cooperation with inmates. %K Prisoner Training, Inmate, Covid-19. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49663