%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Ahmad Ihsan Syarifuddin, NIM.: 1920010027 %B PROGRAM PASCASARJANA %D 2022 %F digilib:49671 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Manganan Janjang, Tradisi, Upacara %P 143 %T TRADISI MANGANAN JANJANG DI DESA JANJANG KECAMATAN JIKEN KABUPATEN BLORA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/49671/ %X Manganan Janjang is a very important tradition for the people of Janjang Village, Jiken District, Blora Regency. This tradition, which is performed once a year, is not only visited by the local community but also the various surrounding areas. The purpose of this study is to reveal the background of the emergence of this tradition and why the tradition of Manganan Janjang is still maintained by the people of Janjang Village to this day. The purpose of this study is to reveal the background of the emergence of this tradition and why the tradition of Manganan Janjang is still maintained by the people of Janjang Village to this day. To achieve this goal, the formulation of the problem that will be studied is (1) What is the background of the emergence of Manganan Janjang Tradition? (2) What is the meaning of Manganan Janjang Tradition for the community? (3) What is the effect of the Manganan Janjang ceremony for Janjang People? This study using qualitative research methods with ethnographic approach. Researchers use the of participants observation techniques, interviews, and documentation directly on the tradition of Manganan Janjang. As a theoritical framework, researchers use three theories, namely the theory of rites and ceremonies of transition (Rites de Passage) from Van Gennep, and the theory of symbols from Victor Turner. The results of the study show that, firstly, Manganan Janjang is a rite of passage from the post-harvest period to start preparing period for the next harvest, marked by charity of the earth (Sedekah Bumi or Gas Deso). Second, in Manganan Janjang has a symbol that is not only a complement in a ceremonial ritual but also has its own meaning for the community. The meaning of Manganan Janjang is not just a charity of the earth (tasyakuran panen), but is meant by efforts to treat the village (bersih desa) with the aim that the village is spared from all negative things, and also meant as a death warning (haul) of Eyang Jati Kusumo and Eyang Jati Sworo who is a local ancestral figure. Third, in the Manganan Janjang Tradition also stores various values in it such as cultural value, religious value, social value, psychological value, and also economic value. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Maharsi, M.Hum.