%A NIM. 18103040074 FATEEYA HANUM WIDYANI %O Dr. H. AHMAD BAHIEJ, S.H., M.Hum %T PELANGGARAN LALU LINTAS DI KOTA BENGKULU PADA MASA PANDEMIC COVID-19 (STUDI KASUS DI POLRES KOTA BENGKULU 2018-2020) %X In 2020, Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) entered Indonesia and caused Indonesia to become one of the countries with the highest infected patients in the world. In connection with this, Covid-19 can paralyze all sectors in social life, including traffic. Traffic is part of the process that occurs on the highway, the role of traffic is very important and is a major factor in today's social life. In the implementation of orderly, safe and comfortable traffic, it needs to be improved and carried out continuously so that the reach and service to the community can be carried out optimally and still pay attention to the public interest, community capacity and public order so that it can realize a reliable and integrated national transportation system. However, in social life, especially on the highway, traffic violations often occur and can cause mobility to be disrupted so that in law enforcement strict sanctions are needed so that violators do not repeat it. The type of research used in this thesis proposal is empirical research, namely research with field data as the main data source. In this case the authors obtain the data using field research (field research), namely by interviews and observations. The results of the study, the authors concluded that there was a decrease in cases of traffic violations in Bengkulu City. This is because the government regulations regarding PSBB are the reason for some people not to travel or gather in crowds to stop the spread of Covid-19. In addition, the Police have not been able to carry out raids as in previous years, this is because to avoid crowds so that they can break the chain of virus spread %K Violation, Traffic, and Covid-19 %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49690