@mastersthesis{digilib49831, month = {January}, title = {PERSATUAN DUKUN DALAM MENJAGA BUDAYA OSING DI BANYUWANGI (Studi Komunikasi Dukun Nusantara di Banyuwangi)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19202010002 Eva Fauziyanti}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. H Akhmad Rifa?i, M.Phil}, keywords = {Osing Culture; organizational communication; magic; festival santet; wisata mistis}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/49831/}, abstract = {Banyuwangi is the largest district in East Java, which has the Osing ethnicity. The Osing tribe is an indigenous people who live in the Banyuwangi district. The culture that stands out in this ethnicity is syncretic, that is, it can accept and absorb the culture of other communities to be reproduced into Osing culture, besides that it is also accommodating to supernatural, supernatural and magical powers. That's why Banyuwangi is considered a supernatural city, especially shamans and witchcraft. However, during the reign of Azwar Anas the image as a city of witchcraft was fading, so in order to maintain the culture and tradition, supernatural actors in Banyuwangi formed the Nusantra Shaman Association organization, besides this research also describes the capabilities and expertise possessed by the Nusantara Shaman Association. which gave birth to the concept of communication. This type of research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach based on field research. To get the data, the researcher uses observation, interviews and documentation, which will be analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model which uses three stages. This research is expected to be a material consideration for maintaining culture and tradition in Banyuwangi. Second, the results of this study are expected to be a reference as a conflict resolution related to witchcraft. These three researches are expected to be a scientific reference for future research related to culture and tradition. The results of this study indicate that in maintaining the Osing culture in Banyuwangi, the Nusantara shaman union does several things, including: First, carry out a witchcraft festival, this is done to change the negative stigma about Banyuwangi witchcraft, and every spell used is a symbol of the unity of the Osing culture, who are believed to have supernatural powers that are considered important in people's lives. Second, building the Osing traditional house, the process of preserving the Osing Traditional House is carried out interactively, where in this model there is a feedback communication of ideas, there are senders of information and recipients of information who select, interpret and respond to messages from the sender. Thus the communication process that takes place in the preservation of the Osing traditional house occurs in two directions, namely from the previous generation to the next generation. Meanwhile, in communicating this organization, the Banyuwangi Nusantara shaman union uses two methods, namely internal organizational communication and external organizational communication, this aims to strengthen the relationship between fellow administrators and to provide information and change people's negative thoughts about the practice of shamans and shamanism.} }