%A NIM.: 19202010024 MHD Iqbal Wardhani %O Pembimbing: Dr. Latiful Khuluq, Ph.D %T STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH TAKMIR MASJID DALAM MEWUJUDKAN MASYARAKAT RELIGIUS DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA (Studi Kasus Di Masjid Darul Haq Desa Bandar Khalipah Sumatera Utara) %X Indonesian society is creasingly religious, religious signs can be seen frem the number of people who love Islam and the many religious activities that are followed by the community. This condition is influenced by many factors, one of which is da’wah through mosques. Da’wah of Islam through mosques is very important, considering the number of mosques in Indonesian is large and creasing from year to year. Based on the information system of the ministry of religion of the Republic of Indonesia, the total number of mosques and prayer rooms is 741, 991. However, not all mosques can carry out da’wah properly. One of the mosques that is considered capable of carrying out the mission of grounding Islamic teachings and even becoming the public spotlight is the Darul Haq mosque in Bandar Khalipah village, Nort Sumatera, both in terms of quantity and quality. Therefore, the research aims to find out how the communication strategy of preaching takmir mosques in realizing a religious values of the congregation of Bandar Khalipah village. This research uses a qualitative descriptive field research. The informants in this study were takmir, ustadz, mosque congregation. With drawal of information using purposive sampling. The method in this study using the theory of Miles and Huberman. Through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings by the authors in this study indicate that the influence of the strategy carried out by the takmir of the Darul Haq Mosque in Bandar Khalipah Village is very effective. This effectiveness can be seen from the strategy carried out by the takmir of the Darul Haq Mosque in realizing a religious community, namely using the ability of persuasive, educative, informative strategies and strengthening ukhwah. These strategies include tablig akbar, weekly routine studies, hadroh shalawat prophet, maulid arbain, learning the yellow book, tadarus al-qu'ran, recitations of Al-Qur'an songs, congregational prayers, mutual cooperation, breaking fast together during the fasting month of Ramadan, sharing info flyer of religious events on social media. The implementation of religious values carried out by the members of Bandar Khalipah Village, namely awareness in religion, understanding of covering the true genitals, not being excessive in responding to developing issues, providing comfort, istiqamah in reading the Qur'an and having high enthusiasm. %K da’wah strategi; takmir masjid; implementation; menutup aurat %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49851