%A NIM.: 19202012004 Agung Drajat Sucipto %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. M. Kholili, M.Si. %T KOMUNIKASI PROFETIK (Kajian Dakwah Kontekstual Modernisasi Pesantren dalam Perspektif Profetik di Pesantren Mahasiswa AN-NAJAH Desa Kutasari, Kabupaten Banyumas) %X Pesantren is the oldest traditional institution of Islamic education in Indonesia with a dormitory model, where all people can be accepted in it. There are three important elements that are able to form a pesantren. First, the leadership of an independent Islamic boarding school is not co-opted by the state. Second, general reference books that are always used from various centuries. Third, the value system used is part of the wider community. An Najah Islamic Boarding School in Purwokerto is a special boarding school for male and female students from both public and religious universities. The education pattern of Pesma An Najah Purwokerto emphasizes noble character education, Al-Qur'an Hadith and the yellow book, combined with basic leadership skills, talents, interests, entrepreneurship and scientific writing. Furthermore, the author conducts this research using a constructivist approach with a qualitative methodology to see the expression of prophetic communication that occurs in a pesantren which is the implementation of contextual da'wah with the case study tradition. The case study research tradition focuses on a particular object that is raised as a case which is then studied more deeply so as to be able to uncover the reality behind the phenomenon. The data sources include pesantren caregivers, pesantren administrators, and various journals and books to support and strengthen reference data. As usual in qualitative research, case study data can be obtained from all parties concerned, through interviews, observation, participation, and documentation. In addition, to explain systematically, factually, and accurately about the facts in the field regarding the Islamic boarding school's da'wah and its prophetic communication, the author uses a descriptive level, in order to make it easier for the author to describe how prophetic communication is built in it. Prophetic Communication is communication or interaction that adheres to prophetic principles and is based on Revelation as a source of knowledge. Like a prophetic communicator, he must also have ethics according to revelation (source). There are three prophetic pillars that must be fulfilled in prophetic communication, namely humanization, liberation, and transcendence. In preaching the An-Najah Islamic Boarding School students use two media, the first is traditional media, and the second is digital media. The Contextual Da'wah of the Annajah Islamic Boarding School is divided into two forms, the first is a systematic change. The second is the creation of social piety. Meanwhile, the communication built in the Annajah Islamic Boarding School is categorized into two, spiritual communication and social communication. Spiritual communication in the form of tafakkur, tawajjuh, and tabarruk. Meanwhile, social communication takes the form of consolidation, interaction, and contribution. %K prophetic communication; contextual of da'wah; pesantren; BUMP %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib49852