%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Mohammad Hilmy Muwaffaq Ma’as, NIM.: 19208012020 %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM %D 2021 %F digilib:49915 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Signalling Theory, Agency Theory, Pecking Order Theory, Kebijakan Dividen, Nilai Perusahaan %P 96 %T PENGARUH KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN, KEPUTUSAN PENDANAAN, KEPUTUSAN INVESTASI, KINERJA KEUANGAN, FREKUENSI PERDAGANGAN TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN DAN COVID-19 SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/49915/ %X This study aims to determine the ability of covid-19 in moderating the test results of the effect of dividend policy, investment decisions, funding decisions, financial performance, and trading frequency on firm value. The objects of research are companies that are included in the list Jakarta Islamic Index in December 2020 and are in the sector category affected by the pandemic COVID-19. The analysis technique used is panel data regression test and Moderated Regression Analysis. The results of the study prove that dividend policy, investment decisions, funding decisions, and trading frequency have a positive effect on firm value, and trading frequency has a negative effect on firm value. Furthermore, covid-19 was able to strengthen the influence of investment decisions and financial performance represented by profitability on company value, covid-19 also weakened the influence of dividend policy and financial performance represented by liquidity on company value, and finally covid-19 was unable to moderate the influence of funding decisions. and trading frequency on firm value. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Darmawan, S.Pd., MAB