@phdthesis{digilib49968, month = {January}, title = {APLIKASI METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI SCHLUMBERGER UNTUK IDENTIFIKASI BATU ANDESIT DI DAERAH KABUPATEN PASER KALIMATAN TIMUR}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 16620036 Khalisha Rahadatul Aisy}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Thaqibul Fikri Niyartama, M.Si. .}, keywords = {Geolistrik, Konfigurasi Schlumberger, Batu Andesit}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/49968/}, abstract = {Andesite is one of the minerals needed by the community for building foundations, bridge construction, bridge asphalting and so on. The purpose of this study was to determine the thickness distribution of andesite and to determine the potential of andesite in the study area. One of the methods used in the exploration of andesite is the geoelectrics resistivity method of the Schlumberger configuration. This method measures the rock resistivity parameter by subsurface current injection. The data used are 45 sounding points consisting of 12 lines with varying line lengths (200 m to 1200 m). Data processing uses IPI2Win which produces a 1D cross section, then 2D correlation is carried out using Rockworks17 from the representative trajectory so that depth and thickness information of andesite is obtained. As for the information on the distribution of small basins (piggy back basin) using Petrel. The results of data interpretation and analysis showed that the subsurface structure of the research area of andesite with resistivity ranging from 177 ? to 1419 ? . The interpretation of the data resulted in the distribution of andesite evenly on the entire surface at the study site. The average thickness of andesite on line 1 is 5 m. Line 2 average thickness of andesite is only 1 m. Line 3 average thickness of andesite up to 10 m. The average thickness of andesite on line 4 is 9 m. The average thickness of the andesite on line 5 is 5.3 m. The line of 6 andesite stones has a average thickness of 4.5 m. The average thickness of the andesite on line 7 is 10 m. Line 8 average thickness of andesite 5 m. The average thickness of the andesite on the 9th line is 9.3 m. The average thickness of the andesite on line 10 is 7.3 m. Line 11 average thickness of andesite is 1.5 m. Line 12 andesite average thickness reaches 7.14 m. The estimated volume of andesite in the study area is 17,482,524.6 m3 which is known from 3D modeling so that the potential for andesite is 45,629,387.2 tons.} }