%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Yuni Lathifah, NIM. 15730075 %B Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora %D 2019 %F digilib:50176 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Internal relations, organizational culture, Islamic values. %P 149 %T INTERNAL RELATIONS DALAM MEMBANGUN BUDAYA ORGANISASI DI INDUSTRI KULINER (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Warung Ayam Geprek dan Susu Yogyakarta) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/50176/ %X The biggest factor to impress Yogyakarta’s economic growth is come from culinary industry. Therefore, they do various ways to compate with the others to be better, and the basic way is make up a good internal communication and relationship. So that in this research, researchers explained about the internal relations programs to build organizational culture in the culinary industry, at Ayam Geprek dan Susu (Preksu) Yogyakarta. This study illustrates how the internal relations programs to build organizational culture at Ayam Geprek dan Susu (Preksu) Yogyakarta. This study uses qualitative methods with methods of collecting in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. In the process, researchers analyzed the internal relations programs in accordance with what was stated by Rosady Ruslan : education and training programs, motivational programs for outstanding employees, award programs, special programs and internal communication media programs. The organizational culture that is formed from these programs is analyzed based on the symbols of organizational culture. The results of this study found that the Ayam Geprek dan Susu (Preksu) used an approach to Islamic religious values. Company founder (owner) Preksu who has strong faith and discipline to carry out Islamic principles, is a major factor in the formation of organizational culture. %Z Pembimbing : Fajar Iqbal, S.Sos., M.Si