%A NIM.: 15380080 Khaeri Nur Laeli %O Pembimbing: Drs. Kholid Zulfa, M.Si. %T TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP KONSEKUENSI DAN AKIBAT HUKUM PEMBATALAN AKAD ONLINE %X In this modern era, there are many facilities to do online contracts. One of which is in transportation, there is a company called Grab. While in the field of e-commerce threre are Shopee. This study aims to examine the impact and consequences of canceling online contracts according to Islamic law analysis. This research is a literature research (library research) where the method of data collection is by researching several sources of reading, books, literature, but the author will also explore the data in the field as supporting data. As for the supporting data obtained from interview and registration. The result of this research is that the cancellation of the online contract in the grab and Shopee case examples creates an impact and risk for one of parties and each party. But the development of a business that is not likely to retreat, its existence has been widely practiced by society at large and become a necessity. While in it there are parties who potentially bear the risk or loss, it does not mean that business practices must be eliminated. This is in accordance with the rules of Usul Fiqh Ma la yudraku kulluhu la yutraku kulluhu (what cannot be achieved entirely, may not be completely abandoned). Considering that in fact there are more benefits than harm, so it is still acceptable. With the condition that there is a good faith and true intentionally not to harm others. %K legal consequences; cancellation; Islamic law; khiyar; salam %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50178