%A NIM.: 16150069 Kholifatul Khoeroh %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ening Herniti, M.Hum. %T SOCIAL DEIXIS IN MALCOLM X (1992) MOVIE %X Malcolm X (1992) is one of biographical movies that is telling about Malcolm’s life against racial discrimination to black men in America. In the movie, language spoken by the participants in each speech event contains a purpose. One of them is utterance in the form of deictic expression. The deictic expression found by the researcher indicates that there is difference between speaker and addressee or referent based on the social relationship, social status and identity or race. This makes the researcher interested to do further research toward the categories of deictic expression that exist in the movie, also to find the function of deictic expression. Social deixis theory by Levinson C. Stephen is used in this research to identify and analyze the types of social deixis and theory of speech event by Dell Hymes to describe the factors of language use. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, which describes the phenomena that happened in the movie through language spoken by participants based on the context. Besides, purposive sampling technique is used to collect data which the researcher only takes based on the problem in the story to make the result more representative. In this research, the researcher found 15 forms of deictic expression in two types (Relational and absolute social deixis) and 3 functions of deictic expression. In each of them, the researcher concludes that almost all of them influenced by two problems, they are racism and conflicts. %K Social Deixis, Movie, Malcolm X. %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50230