%A NIM. 15620047 Azha Amalia Pusvita Sari %O Dr. Thaqibul Fikri Niyartama, S.Si., M.Si %T IDENTIFIKASI MAGMA CHAMBER DI KAWASAN GUNUNGAPI MERAPI DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN DATA ANOMALI MEDAN GRAVITASI CITRA SATELIT TOPEX/POSAIDON %X Research has been done using the gravity method in the Merapi Volcano area using secondary data from Topex / Posaidon satellites with 91 points. The study of the characteristics of Merapi Volcano is needed to study the nature of its volcanic activity so that prevention of casualties and disaster mitigation actions can be carried out as early as possible. . This study aims to model subsurface bedding and identify magma chamber based on subsurface model, so that 2.5-dimensional modeling is based on the complete Bouguer anomaly value on a flat plane. The results showed that there were 4 layers in Merapi Volcano. The top layer has a density of 1.90 gr / cc. The bottom layer has a density of 2.00 gr / cc. The next layer has a density of 2.61 gr / cc in which there are 2 magma chambers with a density of 2.71 gr / cc each. Shallow magma chamber is found at a depth of about 800 m from masl while deep magma chamber is at a depth of about 2,400 m from masl. The bottom layer has a density of 2.80 gr / cc. %K Magma chamber, gravity methods, Topex/Posaidon, 2,5 modelling %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50269