%A NIM.: 13820099 Ahmad Rozikin %O Pembimbing: Farid Hidayat. S.H.M.SI %T FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI MINAT NASABAH FINANCING PADA PETANI UDANG VANNAMEI (STUDI KASUS BANK BRI SYARI’AH KCP KEBUMEN) %X This study aims to investigate: 1)the influence of Word of Mouth on the interest of vannamei shrimp farmers for financing in BRI Syariah Kebumen Branch 2) the influence of Services Quality on the interest of vannamei shrimp farmers for financing in BRI Syariah Kebumen Branch, 3) the influence of religiosity on the interest of vannamei shrimp farmers for financing in BRI Syariah Kebumen Branch. The study employed the quantitative approach. The research objects were Word of Mouth (X1), Services Quality (X2), religiosity (X3), and interestinng to financing in BRI Syariah Kebumen Branch (Y). The research subjects were vannamei shrimp farmers of Kebumen Places . The research sample consisted of 65 farmers, selected by means of the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through a questionnaire. The analysis technique in the study was the regression to investigate the effects of the X variables on the Y variable. The results of the regression show that the Word of Mouth variable, service quality, religiosity affect the interest of Vannamei shrimp farmers using financing products at BRI Syariah KCP Bank Kebumen. The result of the coefficient of determination R2 is 65.5%. This means that the independent variables are able to explain a variation of 65.5%, while other changes of 100% - 65.5 % = 34,5% are explained by other variables not described in this section. %K Minat Pembiayaan, Word Of Mouth, Kualitas Pelayanan, Religiusitas %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50309