@phdthesis{digilib50394, month = {March}, title = {GAMBARAN KEBAHAGIAAN PADA ANGGOTA JAMAAH SHOLAWAT SIMTHUD DUROR}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM: 15710100 Nuri Azzahra}, year = {2020}, note = {Pembimbing: R. Rachmy Diana, M.A., Psi}, keywords = {Kebahagiaan, Sholawat Simthud Duror}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/50394/}, abstract = {This study aims to explore the picture of happiness, the factors that influence happiness, and the meaning of Simthud Duror sholawat in members of Sholawat Simthud Duror worshipers. The informants in this study were three worshipers of Simthud Duror sholawat who live in the cities of Jogja and Wonosobo and have followed the Simthud Duror prayer for at least one year. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative research methodology to explore experiences that have been passed by informants. Data collection in this study uses interview and observation techniques to informants as key informants and significant others as a second source. The results of the study found that the dominant picture of happiness from the three informants was due to their gratitude. The three informants described happiness as a feeling of gratitude for the life he lived until now, the social life that the informants did because they could interact directly with others, and could help and share with others. The factors that influence the happiness of the three informants, namely the existence of internal factors in the form of religious beliefs and external factors in the form of family environment, social life environment, and the practice of Sholawat Simthud Duror practice. The meaning of sholawat Simthud Duror which is owned by the three informants is both as a place for self-introspection to be a better individual.} }