%A NIM : 1520411024 Cholilurrochman %O Dr. Eva latipah, S. Ag., S. Psi, M. Si. %T PENGARUH TUGAS PAI TERHADAP BERPERILAKU MENUTUP AURAT SISWA KELAS X SMK WIDYA PRAJA UNGARAN %X The behavior to close aurat done by students is influenced by several aspects, from the family environment, the environment of peers or from school. The several aspects that affect these behavior, the author try to reseach the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects by giving assignments, then the task consists of cognitive, affective and psychomotor tasks. From the results of preliminary observations the author found the low behavior of students to colse aurat because of lack of knowledge of aurat, lack of practice or getting used to closing aurat either in the home, school or when using social media. So that the alleged lack of cognitive, affective and psychomotor task about the concept of aurat according to Islamic religion is the cause of the low behavior closing aurat for students. Therefore this reseach aims to determine and examine the effect of cognitive, affective and psychomotor task to the student behavior Closing Aurat of class X Vocational high School Widya Praja Ungaran Semarang. This study is quantitative research that describes a phenomenon through field research, using a correlational approach. Data collection methods were obtained through a writing tes, questionnaire, observation, interview and documentation. Then the data is selected according to systematic and accurate research interests. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant contribution between cognitive, affective and psychomotor tasks to student behavior closing aurat of class X Vocational high School Widya Praja Ungaran with a joint contribution rate of 61.4%. The most powerful variable that influences the behavior to close aurat is affective task by 24,1%, while cognitive task variables by 21,1% and psychomotor variables by 16,2 %. This means that the better the cognitive, affective and psychomotor tasks, the better the student behavior closing aurat will be. The task has a positive and significant effect on the behavior to close aurat of class X Vocational high School Widya Praja Ungaran. %K Task, Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor, Behavior, Aurat %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50457