relation: title: PEMENUHAN ASAS SEDERHANA CEPAT DAN BIAYA RINGAN PADA SIDANG KELILING DI PENGADILAN AGAMA KELAS 1A KABUPATEN KEDIRI creator: Musafir, S.H.I, NIM.: 18203010015 subject: Ekonomi Syariah subject: Hukum Islam description: The Kediri District Religious Court in its efforts to achieve a simple, fast and low-cost judicial system and improve services to the justice seeker community. During 2019 the circuit court session, 153 cases were heard. Of the total 63 cases, there were 63 cases that were decided in the circuit court and the remaining 90 cases were adjourned and tried again at the court office. Among the number that was decided, the highest number was the case that was adjourned and retried at the court office which ultimately demanded the litigation justice seekers to come to the court office which in reality the distance, cost and terrain traversed to get to the court office was not easy. In this case, if it is seen clearly that the principle of justice that is simple, fast and low cost has not been fulfilled, because with the return of court proceedings it makes it more difficult for justice seekers to get what they want. Therefore, the writer wants to find out more about why there are cases that do not break up at the location of the circuit court. Also in this paper the author wants to see the efforts of the Religious Courts in fulfilling the principle of simple, fast and low cost through a traveling session held in 2019. The type of research the author uses is field research with a sociological juridical approach. While the data analysis method used is qualitative. In the method of collecting data the writer uses interview, documentation and observation methods. The results of this study can be explained that there are a number of cases that do not break up at the hearing session location due to several technical and non-technical factors. The technical factor is the absence of litigants when summoning into the courtroom which is also caused by several factors. Firstly, justice seekers do not understand the maxim of the summons sent to him, the letter states that the trial of the case will be held at the circuit court location, but on the day of the trial they will not come to the court location instead of coming to the court office. The two courts did not bring relevant witnesses so that the panel of judges had not been able to make a decision so the trial was adjourned by the next trial. For non-technical constraints, the budget is very minimal in 2019 compared to 2018, which amounted to Rp.30,000,000 in 2019, only received Rp.25,000,000, while the number of trials was still the same, 12 trials. The efforts of the Religious Court judges in fulfilling these principles are that the judges have tried as much as possible to provide a dispensation for the time when the court summons, the judges have given instructions to avoid administrative errors and formalities. The court apparatus has prepared all court support facilities ranging from equipment to case information systems, both registration and implementation of decisions. date: 2020-05-12 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Musafir, S.H.I, NIM.: 18203010015 (2020) PEMENUHAN ASAS SEDERHANA CEPAT DAN BIAYA RINGAN PADA SIDANG KELILING DI PENGADILAN AGAMA KELAS 1A KABUPATEN KEDIRI. Masters thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.