%A NIM.: 19200012028 Dwi Cahyaningrum, S. Sos. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Nurus Sa'adah, S.Psi., M.Si., Psi %T POLA ASUH JARAK JAUH ORANG TUA PERANTAU DALAM PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DIRI REMAJA DI DESA GIRIWARNO, WONOGIRI %X Adolescence is a time to find an identity. Parenting in character building is necessary children to be able to grow into teenagers that have good character. But in reality, the parenting provided by the parents is carried out by long distance because of the nomad parents. This study aims to find out how the description of the long distance parenting pattern of nomad parents in adolescent self-character education and how the role of local village officials supports character education for adolescents who are left to wander. This study is a qualitative study with a descriptive method. In determining the subject, the author uses a purposive sampling technique, namely with certain criteria. The subject of this study includes the chairman of the Ngasri Village, Giriwarno. Five nomad parents, five wandering teenagers, administrators and the members of the village youth organization. The data collection techniques used were interviews and observations, while the analytical techniques used were data reduction, data presentation, and interpretation. The result of the study shows a description of the long distance parenting in character building in teenagers with controlled and free parenting, by combining some of the parenting methods, such as democratic, supportive, and authoritarian to instill character values such as being religious, honest, disciplined, independent and responsible because teenagers have to be far away from their parents. In this study, the author also found that custom village has important role in providing character building through activities in the community environment, especially for the wandering teenagers. The character building is made up of environmental roles with supportive activities such as the regular association of cadets, religious activities, social activities and sports activities. So that youth are able to retain good character from the activities in the ward despite the absence of a parent. %K teenagers; long distance parenting; parents; character building; karakter remaja %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50624