relation: title: TINJAUAN SOSIOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM PADA PRAKTIK PINJAMAN ONLINE (STUDI PADA LBH SOLO RAYA) creator: Dewi Andriyani, NIM.: 16380024 subject: Sosiologi Hukum Islam subject: Ekonomi - Masalah Hukum description: Loan is more easier for people because there is online loan fintech, a system that use technology especially a new innovation of online shop. There are some risk of online loan such as the high of late penalty, and terror of its, and the risk of leak in personal indentity. The risk above are haven’t to people in the society who use online loan especially to people in Sukoharjo. According to those case happened, the writer is eager to have a resource to answer the question bellows: why does people offer a law complaint to legal aid institute of Solo Raya; how high is the quality of law protection in legal aid institute Solo Raya; and how is the perception of Islamic law sociology to the law protection given by legal aid institute of Solo Raya. The writer use qualitative method and a sociology approach in the kind of a field research to answer the questions in this research. The methods used to collect the data are observation, and interview. The writer also use data analysis and inductive method. The reseach show that people in Sukoharjo to have a law complaint to legal aid institute of Solo Raya is come from the lender who make them in pressure and uncomfort it consists of three factors: demage, psichology and lack of understanding about legal aid institute. As for law protection who given Legal aid institute of Solo Raya is including the means of repressive legal protection which aims to solve the problems of the victims of online loan users with online lenders. In qard} transction, the online loan has the meet the requirement of Islmaic law not the writer find some mistakes in the billing process. Law protection who given by legal aid institute is included in the proportion of success. Based on Islamic law sociology in ‘urf approach, the law protection of legal aid institute of Solo Raya defined as ‘urf s}ah}ih}, a good habit. date: 2020-05-19 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Dewi Andriyani, NIM.: 16380024 (2020) TINJAUAN SOSIOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM PADA PRAKTIK PINJAMAN ONLINE (STUDI PADA LBH SOLO RAYA). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.