%A NIM.: 18108010024 Yahyana Maulina Ilmi %O Pembimbing: Dr. Abdul Qoyum, S.E.I., M.Sc.Fin. %T ANALISIS PENGARUH INKLUSI KEUANGAN SYARIAH, KETIMPANGAN PENDAPATAN, DAN KEMISKINAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI INDONESIA PERIODE 2016-2020 %X Economic growth is a problem that has a long and lasting impact on all sides. One way to increase economic growth is through the inclusion of Islamic finance with the issuance of Presidential Regulation no. 82 of 2016 concerning the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (SNKI). The purpose of this study is to analyze how the influence of Islamic financial inclusion, income inequality, and poverty on the economic growth of 33 provinces in Indonesia for the period 2016-2020. Using a quantitative approach with secondary data from the Financial Services Authority for Islamic financial inclusion and the Central Bureau of Statistics for economic growth, income inequality and poverty. The estimation method used is panel data regression with a fixed effect model. The results show that Islamic financial inclusion and poverty have a negative effect on economic growth, while income inequality has a positive effect on economic growth. Together, the variables of Islamic financial inclusion, income inequality, and poverty affect economic growth. %K Inklusi Keuangan Syariah, Ketimpangan Pendapatan, Kemiskinan, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi %D 2022 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50798