%A NIM.: 18108020017 Selvia Anjeli %O Pembimbing: Farid Hidayat, S.H., M.S.I %T PENGARUH PENGALAMAN PRAKTIK KERJA LAPANGAN, PENGETAHUAN PERBANKAN SYARIAH DAN PENGHARGAAN FINANSIAL TERHADAP MINAT BERKARIR DI BANK SYARIAH (STUDI PADA MAHASISWA PERBANKAN SYARIAH UIN RADEN MAS SAID SURAKARTA) %X This study aims to examine the effect of field work experience, knowledge of Islamic banking and financial rewards on interest in a career in Islamic banks. The object of this research is Islamic banking student at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. The data used in this study is primary data. The sample method used is the Purposive Sampling technique. The sample size is 100 respondents. The analysis technique used in this research is reliability test, validity test, multiple linear regression test, statistical test through Ttest, Ftest and determinant coefficient (R2) and classical assumption test. From the results of the analysis carried out, it shows that: (1) Field work experience has a positive and significant effect on interest in a career in Islamic banks. (2) Knowledge of Islamic banking has a positive and significant effect on interest in a career in Islamic banks. (3) Financial Awards do not have a positive %K Praktik Kerja Lapangan, Pengetahuan Perbankan Syariah, Penghargaan Finansial, Minat Berkarir. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50811