%A NIM.: 18108020084 Yaya Qomariyah %O Pembimbing: Drs. Akhmad Yusuf Khoiruddin, S.E., M.Si %T PENGARUH MOTIVASI KERJA DAN EFIKASI DIRI TERHADAP KESIAPAN KERJA DENGAN SOFT SKILL SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING %X In the current situation, job seekers must have the provisions to enter the world of work in accordance with the criteria required by the company. There are several factors that can affect a person's work readiness such as work motivation, self-efficacy and soft skills. The purpose of this study is to determine whether soft skills can mediate work motivation and self-efficacy towards work. In this study, a quantitative approach was used with the analysis technique of the WarpPLS program version 5.0. The sample in this study were active students and alumni of the Islamic Economics and Business Faculty, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. In the results of this study, the work motivation variable has a positive but not significant effect either directly or through the soft skill variable on job readiness, the self-efficacy variable has a positive and significant influence, either directly or through soft skills on work readiness. %K Motivasi Kerja, Efikasi Diri, Soft Skill, Kesiapan Kerja %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50818