@phdthesis{digilib50889, month = {January}, title = {MEDIA WHATSAPP DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM PADA SISWA KELAS VI DI SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI TLOGOREJO, PURWOREJO}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 17104010114 Leni Nurlaendah}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Drs. Moch. Fuad, M. Pd}, keywords = {Media Sosial, Whatsapp, Motivasi Belajar, PAI}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/50889/}, abstract = {The world of education is being tested by the Covid-19 pandemic. This condition requires schools to hold online schools to help suppress the spread of the disease. However, online learning in the long term certainly affects students' learning motivation in various subjects including Islamic religious education. Therefore, Islamic religious education teachers at Tlogorejo State Elementary School have made various efforts to motivate students to study these subjects. One of the efforts made is to use media such as Whatsapp. The aims of this study include: (1) To find out the Whatsapp media in increasing the motivation to learn Islamic Religious Education for Class VI students at Tlogorejo State Elementary School, Purworejo; and (2) to determine the level of motivation to learn Islamic Religious Education Class VI students at Tlogorejo State Elementary School, Purworejo. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. The subjects of this study were PAI teachers, sixth grade teachers and sixth grade students at Tlogorejo State Elementary School. The object of the writing is the Whatsapp media in increasing the motivation to learn Islamic Religious Education Students at Tlogorejo State Elementary School. Data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative analysis. Based on the results of research and analysis, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) Whatsapp media in increasing the motivation to learn Islamic religious education for Class VI students of Tlogorejo State Elementary School can be seen from the ease of students to get practical and fast Islamic religious education subject matter in the form of text, images , videos and online discussions. Students are also easy to access Islamic religious education lessons from home quickly and practically, so students can also send Islamic religious education tasks requested by teachers online such as sending evidence in the form of videos of worship practices or pictures of themselves doing Islamic religious education assignments. (2) The level of motivation to learn Islamic Religious Education for Class VI students at Tlogorejo State Elementary School, Purworejo is generally quite good. This is reflected in the persistence of students in carrying out Islamic religious education assignments, the tenacity of students in facing various difficulties during online learning of Islamic religious education, and the independence of students in participating in the learning. Students are not completely independent in participating in online Islamic religious education lessons because they do not all have cellphones. Students sometimes also feel bored because they cannot interact with their schoolmates. However, students still try to be enthusiastic about participating in online Islamic religious education lessons in order to get good grades.} }