@mastersthesis{digilib50902, month = {January}, title = {KONSTRUKSI IDEOLOGI NEGARA ISLAM DALAM FILM JEJAK KHILAFAH DI NUSANTARA: SEBUAH PEMBACAAN ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS TEUN A. VAN DIJK}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19200012032 Muhammad Lytto Syahrum Arminsa}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Ita Rodiah, M. Hum}, keywords = {Islamic state; Film Jejak Khilafah Di Nusantara; critical discourse analysis; dimensi kognisi}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/50902/}, abstract = {This thesis aims to describe the construction of Islamic state in the film Jejak Khilafah Di Nusantara (JKDN). The discussion of Islamic state is never ending to be explored. However, research based on the film and discourse analysis studies that examines the issue of Islamic state is still limited and need to further exploration. This thesis refletcs two main problems. First, examining the issue of Islamic state based on van Dijk?s theory of discourse analysis. Second, the performance of the ideological construction about Islamic state in film. This research methodologically uses primary and secondary sources as qualitative research. Miles and Huberman?s model of collecting data functions to observe, interview, and document the data collection. Van Dijk?s critical discourse analysis has three dimensions: text, cognition, and context. Through reading these three dimensions, this thesis argues that the film Jejak Khilafah Di Nusantara in certain parts explains the construction of an Islamic state during the Islamic empires of the Archipelago, such Demak empire as the result of text dimension reading. The construction of Islamic state in this film does not automatically exist. Rather, there is the awareness and thought of scriptwriter as the central agency of the cognition process in making texts. In addition, context is also playing an important role in influencing the subtitle of film which in this case is marked by the existence of an organizational affiliation followed by scriptwriter. The image of an Islamic state in JKDN film is constructed by empire territory and the specific Islamic leaders. Therefore, the construction of an Islamic state in JKDN film is arguably rooted in the HTI organization. This understanding deserves to be called the historical transnationalism of Islam Nusantara. It connects the Islamic empire in the archipelago with the caliphate of Islamic world, the Middle East and Europe in one leadership.} }