%A NIM.: 17106090005 Anisa Selfi Angencay %O Pembimbing: Ika Kartika, S,Pd., M.Pd.Si dan Nira Nurwulandari, M.Pd %T PENGEMBANGAN E-LKPD BERBANTU MEDIA LIVEWORKSHEETS BERBASIS CONCEPT UNDERSTANDING PADA MATERI GETARAN GELOMBANG DAN BUNYI %X This study aims to: 1) develope E-LKPD products with the help of Liveworksheets media. 2) determine the feasibility of the E-LKPD product with the help of Liveworksheets media. 3) determine the student's response to the ELKPD product with the help of Liveworksheets media based on concept understanding on the material of vibration waves and sound. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) research. This development research procedure uses the 4D stage which includes 4 stages, namely 1) Define 2) Design 3) Develop 4) Disseminate. This research was carried out only until the trial was limited to the Develop stage. The research instrument used was a critique sheet and validator suggestions which were analyzed descriptively, an E-LKPD product feasibility assessment sheet, and student response sheets. The E-LKPD product was validated by 2 material expert validators and 2 media expert validators, after being said to be "valid" this product was assessed by 2 material expert appraisers and 2 media expert appraisers and 1 high school/MA physics teacher. The assessment of the feasibility of the E-LKPD product uses a Likert scale of 5 and the student's response uses the Guttman scale which is made in the form of a checklist.The results of this development research include: 1) has produced E-LKPD products assisted by Liveworksheets media based on concept understanding on Vibration, Waves, and Sounds 2) the percentage of feasibility according to material experts is 85.2%, media experts are 94.6%, and teachers physics 83.7% who meet the very feasible category (SL) 3) the response of students in the limited trial obtained an average score of 0.98 with the category agree (S). %K E-Lkpd, Liveworksheets, Concept Understanding, Getaran, Gelombang, Dan Bunyi. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50915