%A NIM. 17106020033 Hanif Fata Mustaqiim %O Pimbimbing : Frida Agung Rakhmadi, S.Si., M.Sc %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PEMANTAUAN PERGERAKAN TANAH MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR ROTARY ENCODER, MIKROKONTROLER ESP32, MODUL RF 915MHZ DAN TAMPILAN BERBASIS PYTHON %X This research was motivated by the number of landslide disaster. This study aimed to design, manufacture and test ground movements monitoring system using rotary encoder, ESP32 microcontroller, 915MHz RF module, and Python based display. In this research, there were three stages, namely designing, manufacturing, and testing of the ground mvoements monitoring system. The system design stage was carried out using Eagle and Blender software. System manufacturing started from preparation of tools and materials, hardware manufacture, software creation 1, dataset retrieval, determination of transfer function, and software creation 2. System testing included accuracy, precision, and feasibility was carried out by taking ground movements data by varying the distance ranging from 1 mm to 10 mm using 1 mm intervals and repetitions of 10 times for each variation. The system has been successfully designed, manufactured and tested with an accuracy of 98.842% for rotary A and 99.990% for rotary B, precision of 98.498% for rotary A and 99.681% for rotary B, as well as the feasibility of rotary A of 0.983 and rotary B of 0.960. %K tanah longsor, pergerakan tanah, rotary encoder, mikrokontroler ESP32, dan modul RF 915MHz. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib50929