relation: title: POLA INTERAKSI EDUKATIF ANTARA PENDIDIK DAN PESERTA DIDIK MATA PELAJARAN RUMPUN PAI PADA PEMBELAJARAN ERA DIGITALISASI DI MAN 2 BANTUL creator: Hilma Wahidaty, NIM.: 19204010134 subject: Pendidikan Agama Islam description: At the beginning of the pandemic, learning was carried out online, this caused interactions between educators and students to experience problems, then PTMT was finally implemented so that the interaction process that previously could not be carried out, began to be active again. Educational interaction provides space in KBM for PAI family educators to re-interact with students. This research is classified as a field qualitative research, the data sources come from the Deputy Head of Curriculum, PAI clump educators, and students. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data analysis technique in this study is through data reduction, data presentation, the last step is conclusions, drawing conclusions to provide a description of the final results of a study in order to provide the information needed from the results of the study. The results of the study include the impact of the perceived educative interaction pattern from PAI educators or students. Through the educative interaction pattern, PAI educators can explore PAI cluster subjects so that they can be well received by students. besides providing scientific insight related to the material that has been taught. The three interaction patterns that have been applied by PAI clump educators are able to create an interactive learning environment. Through the interactions that exist between educators and students in the learning process, it is easier for educators to recognize the character of each student. Besides that, the pattern of educative interaction also has an impact on the success or failure of the goals of education. The educational interaction pattern provides opportunities for students to to develop according to their respective capacities, through PAI family subjects with interaction patterns applied by each educator, able to equip the mentality of students. however, in terms of learning independence, then in exploring insights from the scientific perspective being studied. date: 2022-04-01 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Hilma Wahidaty, NIM.: 19204010134 (2022) POLA INTERAKSI EDUKATIF ANTARA PENDIDIK DAN PESERTA DIDIK MATA PELAJARAN RUMPUN PAI PADA PEMBELAJARAN ERA DIGITALISASI DI MAN 2 BANTUL. Masters thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.