TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing: Dr. Sabarudin, M.Si ID - digilib50964 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/50964/ A1 - Zaenal Arifin, NIM.: 19204012030 Y1 - 2022/01/31/ N2 - Islam is a religion of rahmatan lil' alamin which means regulating the order of human life to create peace, harmony, and mutual respect. The reality that exists shows that there are still individuals or groups in the name of Islam but commit acts of terror and threats. This is due to a narrow, hard, intolerant understanding, or radical understanding of religion. Lukman Hakim as Minister of Religious Affairs ticked the religious moderation program in the Ministry of Religious Affairs to restore moderate Islamic teachings. Moderate Islam is the opposite of radical Islam. One of the implementations of religious moderation programs is carried out at educational institutions under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. By PMA 184 of 2019, Madrasah must implement a religious moderation program in the Madrasah environment. The Directorate General of Islamic Education issued a module to build moderate character as a reference in implementing religious moderation programs. The formulation of the problem in this study includes two things, namely: How the concept of religious moderation in the module of building character moderate and how the concept of deradicalization with the concept of religious moderation in the module of building character moderate. The purpose of this study is to describe the concept of religious moderation in the module of building moderate character and analyze the concept of deradicalization with the concept of religious moderation in the module of building moderate character. This study belongs to qualitative descriptive research and belongs to the literature research type. The approach used in research is the philosophical approach. The primary source of this research is the Module of Building Moderate Character published by the Council of KSKK Madrassas in collaboration with the Pesantren Nusantara IAIN Surakarta Research and Development Centre. The second source of research is the book Wasathiyah Islam Insights on Religious Moderation by M. Quraish Shihab. The results showed that (1) the concept of religious moderation in the the module of building moderate character is material about a moderate character that is divided on each topic of discussion and learning methods used in each subject matter. Moderate characters in the module of building moderate character including: compassion, mutual respect, tolerance, fairness, wisdom, openness, etc. (2) Deradicalization of religious understanding in the module of building moderate character is by presenting and instilling the character or value of religious moderation (internalization of values) which is carried out in educational institutions. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - Deradikalisasi KW - Moderasi Beragama KW - Modul M1 - masters TI - DERADIKALISASI PEMAHAMAN AGAMA MELALUI PROGRAM MODERASI BERAGAMA PADA MODUL MEMBANGUN KARAKTER MODERAT AV - restricted EP - 155 ER -