%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Maya Setia Priyadi, NIM.: 19204080016 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2022 %F digilib:50978 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Penilaian Autentik, Kurikulum 2013, Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia %P 200 %T IMPLEMENTASI PENILAIAN AUTENTIK PADA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA KELAS IV MI AL ISLAMIYAH GROJOGAN DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/50978/ %X This study aims to determine the implementation of authentic assessment on the competence of attitudes, knowledge and skills in learning Indonesian Class IV at MI Al Islamiyah Grojogan. This research was motivated by the implementation of learning at home to break the chain of the Covid-19 virus. Even though students learn from home, an assessment must still be carried out in order to determine the achievement of student learning outcomes. Based on the results of observations, teachers experience problems when conducting authentic assessments. These obstacles include taking a long time at the planning, implementation and management stages, as well as the assessment procedure which is quite complicated and requires precision in its implementation. This research was conducted in class IV A MI Al Islamiyah Grojogan, from September to November 2021. The subjects studied were class IV A teachers, principals and students. Data collection was done by interview, observation and documentation methods. The data analysis technique used in this study uses the concept given by Miles and Huberman, consisting of three activities that occur simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. The validity of the data was tested using triangulation technique. The results showed that the implementation of learning at MI Al Islamiyah Grojogan during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out online (within the network) and offline (outside the network). (1) Implementation of an authentic assessment of attitude competence in Indonesian Class IV A MI Al Islamiyah Grojogan learning in the planning stage begins with determining the observed attitudes, compiling attitude indicators, and determining the assessment format. The assessment technique used in the attitude assessment is observation and journaling. Aspects of social attitude assessment include curiosity, politeness, cooperation and communicativeness. The assessment of social attitudes carried out during online learning is the aspect of activeness during online learning by sending a presence in the class group whatsapp. As well as aspects of responsibility and discipline are assessed when students collect assignments via the class teacher's personal WhatsApp. Aspects of the assessment of spiritual attitudes that are assessed include aspects of praying, greeting and being grateful. Follow-up to students who do not do assignments, mock friends and so on are given direction by the teacher. The attitude value processor begins with recapitulating the attitude assessment found on observation sheets and daily journals. Continued to be processed using the Madrasa Digital Report Card. Descriptions of attitudes were written using sentences in the form of motivating students with positive word choices. Attitude score predicates are written with A (Very good), B (Good), C (Enough), D (Poor). (2) Implementation of Authentic Knowledge Competency Assessment in Indonesian Language Learning Class IV A MI Al Islamiyah Grojogan. The planning stage of the knowledge competency assessment begins with designing the program, process, and syllabus. Next, map out the Indonesian KD, determine the Minimum Completeness Criteria, arrange a schedule for Daily Assessments, Mid-Semester Assessments, and Final Semester Assessments. Assessment techniques in knowledge assessment are written tests, oral tests and assignments. Written assessments and assignments during online learning using whatsapp class groups. The teacher gives materials and assignments and then studies them individually. The results of the work are sent directly to the teacher's whatsapp to avoid the similarity of answers between students who have not worked. The follow-up to the knowledge assessment is remedial treatment for students who score below the Minimum Completeness Criteria. Students who score above the Minimum Completeness Criteria or exceed the Minimum Completeness Criteria are not given enrichment. The knowledge assessment processor has a weight of 40% of the Daily Assessment, 60% of the value of the Mid-Semester Assessment and the End Semester Assessment. Knowledge assessment reports are carried out at the end of the semester using a report card which includes grades, predicates and descriptions. The predicates in knowledge assessment are A (90-100), B (79-89), C (68-78), D (0-67). The formulation of the description of the value of knowledge is written in the form of sentences that are motivating, stating the values of knowledge in a row from very good, good, and beginning to understand/master. (3) Implementation of Authentic Skill Competency Assessment in Indonesian Language Learning Class IV A MI Al Islamiyah Grojogan. The planning stage of the skills competency assessment is carried out in an integrated manner with the knowledge competency assessment. The assessment techniques used in the assessment of skills competence are performance, projects and portfolios. The practical assessment carried out during online learning uses the zoomeeting application so that teachers and students stay face-to-face and interact with each other. Processing of skills assessment is carried out using the Madrasa Digital Report Card application. Skill assessment is taken from the average number of each Basic Competence. If there is more than one Basic Competence taking skill scores using the same technique in one Basic Competence, then the largest value is taken. The skills competency assessment report is carried out at the end of the semester using report cards in the form of predicates and descriptions. Class IV A teachers did not follow up on the skills assessment. This is because the aspect of skill assessment given to students tends to be above the Minimum Completeness Criteria. Another thing is because the teacher respects the process carried out by students when conducting skill assessments. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Hj. Siti Fatonah, M.Pd.