@mastersthesis{digilib50985, month = {April}, title = {BUDAYA ORGANISASI DAN KINERJA PEGAWAI DALAM PENGEMBANGAN LAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN DI DINAS PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KEARSIPAN KABUPATEN MAGELANG}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19204092002 Zakiyya Labiba}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. H. Sumedi, M.Ag.}, keywords = {Budaya Organisasi, Kinerja Pegawai, Pengembangan Perpustakaan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/50985/}, abstract = {The background of this research examines the exploration of service development at the Library and Archive Service of Magelang Regency which has increased significantly. The index of community satisfaction with library services is known to have shown an increase, although there are still some problems. This research study aims to analyze the implementation of the 10 Cultures of Shame as implications of organizational culture and employee performance at the Library and Archives Service of Magelang Regency during the service development process. Thus, the library?s achievements can be known through the integrity of the resources involved in it. The research method used in this study is qualitative research conducted at the Library and Archives Service of Magelang Regency. The collection technique used the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by collecting data, reducing data, and drawing conclusions. The subjects in this study were the managers of the Magelang Regency Library and Archives Service including the head of the section, the head of the sub-section, staff, and library visitors. The results of this study indicate that the application of organizational culture at the Library and Archives Service of Magelang Regency is adjusted to indicators in the characteristics or organizational culture, namely individual initiative, risk tolerance, direction, integration, management support, control, identity, reward system, conflict tolerance, and pattern communication whose implementation is obtained through the application of 10 cultures of shame in the library. Then the performance of employees who support the tradition or culture owned by the Library and Archives Service of Magelang Regency refers to 4 factors that play an active role in contributing, namely effectiveness in work as a measuring tool for the good and bad of the running process, the responsibility of all library members so that they are required to understand the process rights and obligations, work discipline as a form of compliance with applicable regulations, and initiatives in sharing innovations to help develop work standards in libraries. The results of achieving the role of organizational culture and employee performance that support the development of services at the Library and Archives Service of Magelang Regency are proven by achievements and awards obtained through the integrity of all library employees. This makes the Magelang Regency Library and Archives Service competitive because it can increase the community?s satisfaction index with literacy culture to create prosperous human resources.} }