%A NIM.: 18103040055 Lala Minhatul Maola %O Pembimbing: Gilang Kresnanda Annas, S.H., M.H. %T PERAN DIGITAL FORENSIK DALAM MENGUNGKAP TINDAK PIDANA CYBER CRIME (STUDI KASUS KEPOLISIAN DAERAH JAWA BARAT TAHUN 2020) %X Internet users are increasing in the year, until 2021 internet users in Indonesia are 12th out of countries in Asia. As a result of the current technological advances that bring many benefits also many negative consequences, the impact of technological advances makes it easier for criminals to do their actions just by using the internet. According to data from POLRI, throughout 2020 there were at least 12.233 complaints of cyber crime cases through patroli siber sites. In West Java, throughout 2020 there are at least 2,634 reports entered through patroli siber sites regarding cyber crime crimes. Evidence from cyber crime cases is different from conventional crime; the handling of digital evidence is treated specifically compared to physical evidence on conventional crimes. Handling of cyber crime cases is carried out through investigative activities known as digital forensics. The purpose of this research is to find out the extent to which digital forensics is used to uncover cyber crime in Polda Jabar, and to know what are the obstacles in dealing with cyber crime cases in Polda Jabar. This research uses a type of field research (field reserch). The nature of this research uses descriptive analytical i.e. field research by explaining what is in the field with an empirical juridical problem approach. Data obtained from the study subjects using observation methods, interviews and through literature studies, to analyze the building data using qualitative analysis methods. The application of forensic digital science has been applied to the investigation and investigation process in Polda Jabar but has not been able to be implemented to the fullest the entirety of forensic digital science, the obstacles experienced by the Polda Jabar in uncovering cyber crime crimes are caused by 2 (two) factors: internal factors that are related to facilities and infrastructure that have not supported the investigation process, because in Polda Jabar there is no forensic digital laboratory, And the police that do not yet have certification of expertise as digital forensic investigators, this affects permission to operate digital forensic laboratories. Public awareness of the dangers of the internet is also influential in the process of law enforcement of cyber crime cases. The more cases reported, the more cases that accumulate, especially lab facilities. Digital forensics is limited. Polda Jabar has made efforts to minimize cyber crime cases by providing education directly through seminars, and education indirectly through social media accounts. %K Cyber Crime, Digital Forensik, Polda Jabar %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib51027