%A NIM.: 18106020021 Imelda Zahra Tungga Dewi %O Pembimbing: Frida Agung Rakhmadi, S.Si., M.Sc %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PEMANTAUAN SERTA PENGENDALIAN SUHU DAN KELEMBABAN GUDANG PT. CITRA SARUNGTANGAN INDONESIA BERBASIS MESSAGE QUEUING TELEMETRY TRANSPORT (MQTT) %X This research was motivated by the lack of quality of glove raw materials due to improper storage. This research aims to design, manufacture, and test the monitoring system and control of the temperature and humidity of PT. Citra Sarungtangan Indonesia. This research was carried out in three stages, namely the design, manufacture, and testing of warehouse temperature and humidity monitoring system. The system was designed using Fritzing and Sketchup 2022 software. The system was made with NodeMCU ESP8266 components, DHT22 sensors, bulbs, fans, I2C LCDs, and relays. The standard temperature in glove storage is between 20-28 °C. System testing includes system-wide testing, accuracy, precision repeatability, and actuator control using the IoT MQTT Panel. This system has been successfully designed and manufactured. The design results have been used as a reference for the manufacture of monitoring and controlling system the temperature and humidity of warehouses in PT Citra Sarungtangan Indonesia. In addition, the warehouse monitoring and control system has been successfully evaluated with a success percentage value of 100%, temperature accuracy is 97.6% and humidity is 88.4% and temperature precision is 99.564% and humidity is 99.116%. %K MQTT, Nodemcu ESP8266, Sensor DHT22, Sistem Pemantauan Dan Pengendalian Gudang. %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib51276