@phdthesis{digilib51403, month = {October}, title = {PERSAUDARAAN CINTA TANAH AIR YANG DIJIWAI MANUNGGALNYA KEIMANAN DAN KEMANUSIAAN ( PCTAIYMKM) 2010 - 2017 (STUDI KASUS GERAKAN SOSIAL PONDOK PESANTREN MAJMAAL BAHRAIN HUBBUL WATHON MINAL IMAN SHIDDIQQIYAH JOMBANG)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 1430017012 Jaka Sarwanta}, year = {2019}, note = {Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Iskandar Zulkarnain dan Achmad Zainal Arifin, MA, Ph.D}, keywords = {Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah, Penanaman Nasionalisme Santri, PCTAI lintas Agama.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/51403/}, abstract = {That over 50.000 Islamic boarding schools all over Indonesia teach their students religion and nationalism aspects is not surprising. Yet, it appears unique and attractive when such schools attempt to educate both their students and the society (of different religions, tribes, and customs). Conducted in Majmaal Bahrain Hubbul Wathon Minal Iman Shiddiqiyyah Jombang, shortened as Shiddiqiyyah boarding school, this study aims at describing and gathering methods and theories of teaching nationalism adapted from Thoriqoh Shiddiqiyyah in running its attempt. To encourage the people to accept nationalism teaching initiated by the school, a semi-autonomous organization called Persaudaraan Cinta Tanah Air Yang Dijiwai Manunggalnya Keimanan dan Kemanusiaan (Love-Fatherland Brotherhood imbued with the Unity of Faith and Humanity) was established. It is expected to be a forum or a medium to assure the existence and sturdiness of Indonesia. The methods applied by the school to its students are learning, understanding, implementing. The students are supposed to behave what the Pancasila demands them to act in their daily life. When they learn Pancasila and the preface of the Constitution of 1945, the students associate them with the Hadist. The school uses PCTA Indonesia to educate the society. To accomplish the goals, theory and practices are employed in the form of seminars, workshops and connected-to-actual-current-issues commemorations. The emphasis of this dissertation is the way the PCTA Indonesia instils nationalism to the society. Both inhibiting factors and supporting ones when infusing nationalism to students and the society through PCTA Indonesia are described in this study. Some theories on instilling nationalism theoretically and practically under Thoriqoh Shiddiqiyyah basis to public of different religions, tribes, and customs are uncovered.} }