@phdthesis{digilib51516, month = {April}, title = {PENGGUNAAN BAHASA JURNALISTIK DALAM PENULISAN RUBRIK KEAGAMAAN PADA SURAT KABAR MALUT POST}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 18102010054 Siti Mutiah Ali}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. H. Akhmad Rifa?I, M.Phil}, keywords = {Malut Post, Bahasa Jurnalistik, Rubrik}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/51516/}, abstract = {Malut Post is one of the newspapers located in North Maluku, which is kept to provide information to the public. Pos Malut has various rubrics in it but there is one rubric that can distinguish the Malut Post newspaper from other newspapers, namely the Wisdom of Ramadan Rubric. The Wisdom of Ramadhan Rubric itself is a religious rubric owned by Malut Post. This phenomenon is very interesting if it is appointed as a journalistic research, this study was conducted to examine how the use of journalistic language in writing religious rubrics in the Malut Post newspaper and what mistakes are often made in writing religious rubrics in the Malut Post newspaper. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method of content analysis, using observation, documentation and interview data collection techniques. This study also uses the filling system technique by Wimmer and Dominick in data collection, this research technique is a technique used by entering the data obtained into categories or groups that were compiled in advance by the researcher. The theory used in this research is social cognitive theory by Albert Bandura. From the research conducted, there are research results, namely (1) the use of journalistic language in writing religious rubrics in the Malut Post newspaper is in accordance with the use of journalistic language, and has followed the standards of journalistic writing but not yet perfectly. Therefore, it cannot be denied that there are still errors that occur in the writing of religious rubrics. (2) There are several mistakes that are made repeatedly in the writing of religious rubrics such as the use of capital letters, waste of words, writing EYD/KBBI, errors in using punctuation marks, and errors in the use of italics.} }