%A NIM.: 16150011 Sofiah Aini Purba %O Pembimbing: Dr. Witriani, S.S., M.Hum, %T THE WOMEN’S RESISTANCES AGAINST THE PARTRIARCHAL SOCIETY IN HE NAMED ME MALALA %X Second sex is the term affiliated with women. As women are regarded as the second sex in the social structure, resistance arises in the community. This resistance is the action taken by women to justify their sense of belonging in the community as herself. This issue is depicted in He Named Me Malala. This research intends to analyze the portrayal of female resistance in He Named Me Malala and how it can be understood using the feminist approach by Simone de Beauvoir in her book The Second Sex to understand how female resistance arises inside male-centered society. He Named Me Malala is the suitable movie for this research because the issues that are depicted in the movie fits in accordance with the second sex issues. Beauvoir stated that issues between men and women will continue to occur if one refuses the other as equal in status. To analyze the data, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. The method emphasizes on the description and explanation of the data. The researcher also conducts library research in this research study. Based on the analysis, it is found that the action of resistance taken by women follows how women are treated in the community. This form of resistance in an act where women are aware of what happened to them and society. Thus, the resistance that women take is the way where women want to acknowledge their existence in the world.Second sex is the term affiliated with women. As women are regarded as the second sex in the social structure, resistance arises in the community. This resistance is the action taken by women to justify their sense of belonging in the community as herself. This issue is depicted in He Named Me Malala. This research intends to analyze the portrayal of female resistance in He Named Me Malala and how it can be understood using the feminist approach by Simone de Beauvoir in her book The Second Sex to understand how female resistance arises inside male-centered society. He Named Me Malala is the suitable movie for this research because the issues that are depicted in the movie fits in accordance with the second sex issues. Beauvoir stated that issues between men and women will continue to occur if one refuses the other as equal in status. To analyze the data, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. The method emphasizes on the description and explanation of the data. The researcher also conducts library research in this research study. Based on the analysis, it is found that the action of resistance taken by women follows how women are treated in the community. This form of resistance in an act where women are aware of what happened to them and society. Thus, the resistance that women take is the way where women want to acknowledge their existence in the world. %K The Second Sex, Malala, Feminisme, Simone De Beauvoir %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib51749