%A NIM.: 18101040099 Ulfatun Madya %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hj. Sri Rohyanti Zulaikha, S.Ag, SS, M.Si. %T EVALUASI KUALITAS PATHFINDER DENGAN METODE QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT (QFD): STUDI KASUS MAHASISWA AKTIF PROGRAM STUDI ILMU PERPUSTAKAAN 2019 %X Pathfinder is a kind of reference source in process of re-meeting behind the information at the library. The aim of studied is evaluation for pathfinder with eight dimensions of service satisfaction evaluation, there are performance, features, reliability, conformance of specification, aesthetic, and perceived quality at Library of Sunan Kalijga Islamic State University with the House Of Quality matrix on the Quality Function Deployment method. In the matrix of House of Quality, researchers gathered Voice of Customer to get the perception and assessment of the Library’s Pathfinder at The Library of Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University by looking at the satisfaction of the user. The Result is, the satisfaction assessment form the user of technical characteristics (Hows) is information content in the pathfinder and repair for collection synopsis quality for the the convenience of the user. An indicator of declared dissatisfied, it is on product durability of the user need (Whats). The durability product has several causes the absence of rejuvenation of products presented in the library and the loss of products due to the user bringing the product home without permission and does not return to the original place at the library. The researcher suggest is, digitalitation pathfinder as product in print to upload at the toolbar digital collection of www.lib.uin-suka.ac.id. Implementation pathfinder product from National Library the user easy use for. Quality upgrade due to the contributor know the user wants with library pathfinder another library in digital era. %K Sumber Rujukan, Pathfinder, Quality Function Deployment, Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi, Kualitas Produk %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib51780