@mastersthesis{digilib51782, month = {May}, title = {TANASUKHU DRACULA BRAM STOCKER FI AL-MUKHAUZIQ LI AL-DUKTUR ASYRAF FAQIH (DIRASAH MUQARANAH ADDABIYYAH)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 18201010027 Shofiyah Binti Nasri Ilyas}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Tatik Mariyatut Tasnimah, M.Ag.}, keywords = {Novel Dracula, Al Mukhawziq, Influencing And Influenced, Comparative Literature, Reincarnation}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/51782/}, abstract = {The purpose of this research is to reveal the utmost influencing and influenced between two novels that are similar at the subject. The first novel Dracula by the Irish Bram Stoker, which appeared in the late nineteenth century, and the second is The Impaler novel by the Saudi Arabian Ashraf Faqih, which was published in the beginning of this century, the twenty-first century. The first novel tells about supernatural beings, as a man are still living since 400 years ago, who whenever he wanted and could he sucked the blood out of innocences, and he did so for the benefit of his youth and immortality. And the second novel, no matter it's looked like it's had been copied from the earliest, but in fact it does not imitate it, rather it's obvious that it's not connected to the first, rather it was invented so it's become another story, even to become a historical, not a legend imaginary one, so the reincarnation becomes the miraculous for this research. The researcher get the benefits from the historical social theory under the comparative literature study, where she compared the two novels to find similarities and differences, and how far the second novel was affected by the first one. The research method that used by the researcher in this research was the qualitative method, as she combines data from library sources, with the phone meeting between the researcher and the Saudi Arabian author Ashraf Faqih. And by reading the two novels repeatedly and recording the important information and then analyzing it thoroughly, the researcher reached the results of the research. And through this research, the researcher concluded that creativity in writing does not have to be confined to romance and beauty or to the unknown and imagination, rather the writer can be creative and inventing what can be read, imagined, and felt, whether it's from the reality fact or from the ancient past, then it's becomes a masterpiece that will be a source of inspiration and a source of literary and artistic progress for those who come after it. It may not reached to the perperson's imagination that his writing that emerges from his thoughts may live long after him for decades or even centuries. and this is what happened with Bram Stoker 100 years ago, when a historical character that almost vanished took his attention, which hardly mentioned except in history books, and only historians or their students who can care about this character. The writer Ashraf Faqih as an Arabic writer who excelled in this Gothic horror -according to the researcher?s opinion- through his novel ?The Impaler?, in which history and imagination stirred up writing, so cultures and fantasies mingled and reached the researcher, a melancholy contemporary Arab masterpiece .} }