@phdthesis{digilib51834, month = {August}, title = {PENGARUH PENGALAMAN MULTIKULTURAL TERHADAP KECERDASAN KULTURAL SISWA DARI SUDUT PANDANG AGAMA, ETNISITAS DAN GENDER PADA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS CURUP REJANG LEBONG}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 1130017009 Hendra Harmi}, year = {2019}, note = {Promotor : Prof. Dr. H. Nizar Ali, M.Ag dan Prof. Dr. Sangkot Sirait, M.Ag.}, keywords = {Multikultural, Will Kymlicka, Cultural Intelligence}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/51834/}, abstract = {Despite the inevitable existence of multiculturism of human race, some state-owned schools tend to perform cultural adaptation in one perspective such as ordering every student ? Muslim and non-Muslim, boys and girls ? to wear Muslim costume and to participate in any Muslim celebration. On the other hand, Christian schools do not seem to reinforce their religious identity. Those with different religious and cultural background are even welcome and are given the opportunity the develop themselves. This empirical fact shows a paradox and a school political identity effort. The phenomenon underlies this study entitled: ?The Influence of Multikultural Exposure (X1) Experience and Multikultural Interaction (X2) to Students? Cultural Quotient (Y) from Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender of SMAN 01, SMAN 02, and SMA Xaverius Curup Rejang Lebong?. The study is intended to answer the question: Do Exposure and Interaction experiences individually and simultaneously affect male and female, Muslim and non- Muslim, rejang and non-rejang students of SMAN 01, SMAN 02 and SMA Xaverius Curup Rejang Lebong and what the differences are? Quantitative-associative is used with observation, questionnaire, and documentation data-collecting method. Using convenience sampling technique for SMAN 01 and SMAN 02 as well as population research technique for SMA Xaverius, the writer pick up 168 SMAN 01 students, 161 SMAN 02 students and 49 SMA Xaverius students. The results show that 1) Multikultural Exposure and interaction experience affect significantly to cultural quotient Muslim and non-Muslim students (0.270 and 0.399). the cultural quotient of non-Muslim students is 13\% higher than that of Muslim ones. 2) Multikultural Exposure and interaction influence significantly to cultural quotient rejang and nonrejang pupils (0.269 and 0.350) with non-rejang?s quotient 8\% higher than that of rejang?s. 3) Multikultural Exposure and interaction experience affect significantly to cultural quotient Despite the inevitable existence of multiculturism of human race, some state-owned schools tend to perform cultural adaptation in one perspective such as ordering every student ? Muslim and non-Muslim, boys and girls ? to wear Muslim costume and to participate in any Muslim celebration. On the other hand, Christian schools do not seem to reinforce their religious identity. Those with different religious and cultural background are even welcome and are given the opportunity the develop themselves. This empirical fact shows a paradox and a school political identity effort. The phenomenon underlies this study entitled: ?The Influence of Multikultural Exposure (X1) Experience and Multikultural Interaction (X2) to Students? Cultural Quotient (Y) from Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender of SMAN 01, SMAN 02, and SMA Xaverius Curup Rejang Lebong?. The study is intended to answer the question: Do Exposure and Interaction experiences individually and simultaneously affect male and female, Muslim and non- Muslim, rejang and non-rejang students of SMAN 01, SMAN 02 and SMA Xaverius Curup Rejang Lebong and what the differences are? Quantitative-associative is used with observation, questionnaire, and documentation data-collecting method. Using convenience sampling technique for SMAN 01 and SMAN 02 as well as population research technique for SMA Xaverius, the writer pick up 168 SMAN 01 students, 161 SMAN 02 students and 49 SMA Xaverius students. The results show that 1) Multikultural Exposure and interaction experience affect significantly to cultural quotient Muslim and non-Muslim students (0.270 and 0.399). the cultural quotient of non-Muslim students is 13\% higher than that of Muslim ones. 2) Multikultural Exposure and interaction influence significantly to cultural quotient rejang and nonrejang pupils (0.269 and 0.350) with non-rejang?s quotient 8\% higher than that of rejang?s. 3) Multikultural Exposure and interaction experience affect significantly to cultural quotientmale and female students (0.292 and 0.452) with the cultural quotient of female students is 17\% higher than that of male ones.} }