<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE)"^^ . "Having a very important role to the development of\r\nIndonesian literature, Sufi literature backgrounded this research.\r\nExplaining aspects of Sufism means elaborating the main\r\nmanifests of it, such as studying Sufic work (prose and poem), in\r\nIslam culture in a more recent way. Muhammad Zuhri is a poet\r\nand Sufi. A scientist Peter G. Riddel called Zuhri a revolutionary\r\nSufi for his revolutionary thoughts on Sufism. Using Riffaterre\r\nSemiotic theory by heuristic and hermeneutic readings, this study\r\naims at revealing the unity of meaning in the anthology of\r\n„Qasidah Cinta’ by Muhammad Zuhri. The concept of Sufism in\r\nthis poetry collection is also exposed. The theory is chosen for its\r\nnew perspective in poem study; it begins from languageconvention\r\nviews followed by literature-convention ones. The\r\nstudy discovered the unity of meaning of poems in the „Qasidah\r\nCinta’: (1) the unity between the creator and His creatures\r\n(Wahdatul wujud), (2) Ma’rifah billah, (3) good-deed calls, (4)\r\ntawazun in the world and the hereafter, (5) Muhasabah-\r\nMuraqobah, (6) Rahmatan lil „alamin as the highest Sufi‟s\r\nposition, (7) mortal and immortal, shariah to firm the tauhid, (8)\r\nMahabbah. In addition, the concept of Sufi from Muhammad\r\nZuhri, ahwal muhasabbah-muraqobah, is conceptualized as\r\nfollows: (1) contemplation outdoes accusing and blaming on\r\nothers, (2) introspection without leaving the essence of life and\r\nzuhud without neglecting his responsibility in life, (3) respect\r\nothers, (4) hold the holy Quran and hadits firmly. Mahabbah is\r\nidentical to faith; losing love means losing faith for it leads to be\r\nreactive, while love guides man to be responsive to God‟s will.\r\nMa’rifah does not mean seeing the God‟ face but it tickles the\r\nawareness of His existence in any man‟s activity. This awareness\r\nin turn guides him to God‟s attributes. Each ahwal constitutes a\r\nbalance between the world and the hereafter, shariah and the\r\nessence for the benefits of the universe."^^ . "2019-08-30" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 12300016008"^^ . "Aning Ayu Kusumawati"^^ . "NIM.: 12300016008 Aning Ayu Kusumawati"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "12300016008_BAB_I_V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "KONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #51835 \n\nKONSEP TASAWUF DALAM ANTOLOGI PUISI \"QASIDAH CINTA‟ KARYA MUHAMMAD ZUHRI (ANALISIS STRUKTURALISME SEMIOTIKA RIFFATERRE)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Islam dan Pemikiran" . . . "TASAWUF" . .