@phdthesis{digilib51844, month = {August}, title = {ANALISIS KUALITAS HADIS (TAKHRIJ HADIS) MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA KLASIFIKASI C4.5}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 15650012 Rizqi Zidanul Farhan}, year = {2019}, note = {Pembimbing: Agus Mulyanto S.Si., M.Kom.}, keywords = {Takhrij Hadis, Klasifikasi, Sanad, C4.5 (Decission Tree), Confussion Matrix.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/51844/}, abstract = {The Hadith is the second guideline after the Qur'an which can be the basis of an Islamic law in the form of words, deeds, provisions and the nature of the Prophet Muhammad. In the Hadith there is a branch of science that studies the method of grouping or classification of hadith by giving the law based on the quality of the hadith such as Sahih, Hasan, Dhaif and so on called Takhrij Hadith. One way of classifying the hadith is seen from the narrators whose sanad continues to the Prophet. However, the classification has a problem in determining the level of the inheritance of the hadith This study aims to conduct classification analysis using the Decission Tree method (C4.5) in analyzing Hadith based on the knowledge of Takhrij Hadith and giving legal status decisions to be used as Hujjah or guidelines for Muslims. Confusion Matrix is used in accuracy testing to compare the results of analysis with the study of literature contained in the Book of Hadith. The process of Hadith analysis using Decission Tree (C4.5) results in hadith status as Sohih with an accuracy rate of 79\% of the 19 hadith samples found in 9 different hadith books.} }