%A NIM.: 17107010040 Husni David Hasibuan %O Pembimbing Candra Indraswari, M.Psi., Psikolog %T PERILAKU PROSOSIAL PADA RELAWAN COVID-19 %X This research was conducted as a form of calling to instill a spirit of help. In instilling the spirit of helping, deepening about prosocial behavior is the perfect thing as a means of education for the wider community. This study aims to explore and determine the causes and impacts of prosocial behavior on COVID-19 volunteers. Participants in this study were three COVID-19 volunteers. The sampling technique used is snowball sampling. Research informants were limited to COVID-19 volunteers, with an age range of 18-40 years. Data collection in this study using semi-structured interviews. The methodology of this research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. This study was analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the factors causing the prosocial behavior of COVID-19 volunteers were 1) self-motivation, 2) organizational experience and volunteerism, 3) the desire to contribute to the environment, 4) moral principles, 5) religiosity, 6) environmental influences, 7) expertise background, 8) experience exposed to COVID-19, 9) as a form of defense. The impact of the prosocial behavior of COVID-19 volunteers is divided into psychological impacts and social impacts. The psychological impact is self-satisfaction and positive emotions. Social impact is a change in the relationship with the surrounding environment, both in positive and negative terms. %K relawan; COVID-19; prosocial; volunteer %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib51918