%A NIM.: 15730022 Lucky Ayu Ria Septiana %O Pembimbing : Dr.Diah Ajeng Purwani, M.Si %T STRATEGI KREATIF RUANG IKLAN PITPAGANDA DALAM MENGIKLANKAN AGENDA FESTIVAL KEBUDAYAAN YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2019 %X This research purposes to discuss about the Pitpaganda ads space's creativity strategies in advertising “Festival Kebudayaan Yogyakarta” 2019. Creativity in advertising This research uses creativity in advertising theory of Robert E. Smith and Xiaojing Yang with descriptive qualitative research method. The data validity method is triangulation of data sources from advertising practitioners. The data validity method is intended to cross-validation and compare data to obtain the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies. The results shows that 1) strategies of Pitpaganda's space contains five elements or variables of creativity, that are creativity in communication process, creativity in management process, creativity as a social process, creativity as a process group, and creativity as personal processes; 2) Pitpaganda’s management process still does not fully fulfill the orderly, systematic, and structured organizational content, because the agency prefers a flexible and free system; 3) the results of the data triangulation indicate that Pitpaganda has fulfilled creativity in media and creativity in processing messages, however, it is not yet at the level of creativity in organization budgeting; 4) from the results of triangulation, Pitpaganda's creativity strategy in management process can be used as an evaluation as a recommendation to advertise in the long run. %K Advertising Strategies, Creativity In Ads, Pitpaganda, Outdoor Ads, FKY %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib51989