@phdthesis{digilib52020, month = {June}, title = {KEARIFAN SATO SAKAKI DALAM RANDAI: INTERLEGALITAS DALIL HUKUM SYAR?I DAN PEMAJUAN KEBUDAYAAN NASIONAL}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 18300016026 Zelfeni Wimra}, year = {2022}, note = {Promotor: Prof. Drs. H. Ratno Lukito, M.A.., DCL. dan Dr. Mochamad Sodik, S.Sos., M.Si}, keywords = {Estetika Hukum, Interlegalitas, ?Urf, Randai, Kearifan Lokal, Minangkabau, Pemajuan Kebudayaan, Sato Sakaki.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52020/}, abstract = {This dissertation aims to discuss the formulation of sato sakaki as a form of cultural wisdom in Randai to represent the interlegality between the arguments of customary law, Islamic law and Law Number 5 of 2017 concerning the Cultural Development in Indonesia. The study focuses on the coexistence of Randai art as the cultural capital of indigenous people, as 'urf (custom of a given society) in the perspective of ushul fiqh, and as an object of cultural development by the state. The topic understudy particularly addresses the followings: (1) How is the interlegality between the arguments of customary law, Islamic law, and the state in the realm of Minangkabau legal culture? (2) To what extent has the state made efforts and interventions in the development and promotion of Randai arts and culture? (3) How did the Randai actors and religious authorities respond to the idea of development by the state as a form of negotiation against the conception of 'urf' and custom based on Islamic law? (4) What is the formulation of the wisdom of Sato Sakaki in fostering, preserving, developing, and utilizing Randai? The research was conducted using abductive reasoning through observation, in-depth interviews, combined with discourse analysis on the existence of Randai. Creswell's Mixed method was also used to explain the intersection of the structure and identity of the Minangkabau community in the face of the normative penetration of ulama and ideas for the promotion of state culture. The explanation also describes the relationship between agents and actors who are seen as involved in responding to the interlegal process of promoting national culture. This study pinpoints that the principle of wisdom in the formulation of 'urf also serves as the goal of Islamic law after benefit. In particular, this study reveals and highlights the followings: (1) Randai performing arts serves as a realm of interaction, contestation, identity negotiation, and legal culture for the Minangkabau community. In this study, this interlegalistic pattern is known as the wisdom of sato sakaki. (2) The state domination is seen through efforts to relate its power in the realm of legal culture, Islam, and Indonesia in Minangkabau; (3) the aesthetics of Randai become an articulation of the wisdom of Minangkabau legal culture in accepting the national development project of the state which leads to some adjustments in several artistic aspects of the movement and gender aspects, such as the involvement of female players; (4) the formulation of local wisdom of Sato Sakaki is a form of Minangkabau interlegality represented in Randai. It represents a form of coexistence between customary law, Islamic law, and the state. The expected implication of this dissertation is the availability of a formulation of the wisdom of Sato Sakaki based on the development, preservation, development, and utilization of Randai art. This formulation can be used to mainstream the power of 'urf that thrives in society, both as a philosophical basis for accelerating the realization of legal wisdom, as a project of recognition, driving force for the development, and cultural invention in Indonesia.} }