%A - C. Winarti, %A - A. Cari, %A - I. Suparmi, %A - J. Budiarti, %A - H. Handhika & V. Viyanti %J Taylor & Francis Group, London, %T Identification of consistency and conceptual understanding of the Black principle %X The concept of physics can be understood not only in mathematical language but through a variety of representations. By understanding the concept, someone will be consistent in addressing the problems, even though they are presented in different representations. Consistent answers to the questions in physics will show the level of understanding of the concepts. The purpose of this research was to identify the consistent answers about the Black principle. This research used the descriptive qualitative approach. The instrument used in this research was nine multiple choice questions with reasons. The essential concept is the Black principle. Some questions were adopted from the Heat and Temperature Concept Evaluation (HTCE). The sample for this research was 145 students of the Physics Education Program of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Institute of Teachers’ Training and Education of PGRI Madiun, and State University of Lampung. The results showed that 81.74% of students were inconsistent, 1.13% of students were consistent with the correct answers, and 17.03% of students were consistent with the wrong answers when responding to the test of multi-representation concepts. %P 249-252 %D 2017 %I Taylor & Francis Group, London, %L digilib52058