<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM)"^^ . "This research aims to analyze how to integrate curriculum and pattern of\r\nimplementation of curriculum management integration in SMP IT Abu Bakar\r\nYogyakarta. The research model used is field study with qualitative character. In\r\nobtaining data the researcher use some data collection techniques. They are\r\ninterviews, documentation studies, as well as direct observation of the phenomena\r\nstudied. Further, the result will be presented in descriptive-analytic, it means to\r\ndescribe all the data that relate to the integration model of SMP IT Abu Bakar\r\nYogyakarta curriculum. After that the researcher continue to analyze the\r\nimplementation of curriculum management integration in SMP IT Abu Bakar\r\nYogyakarta (perspective of Islamic education management).\r\nThe research result show that the Curriculum Management Integration of\r\nSMP IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta that reviewed from the Management of Islamic\r\nEducation has been running with the maximum. The curriculum integration model\r\nis implemented by combining or integrating the official curriculum with the JSIT\r\ncurriculum which is poured into RPP and Syllabus. In the implementation of\r\nlearning, its combining, entering and providing of Islamic values (typical to IT) in\r\nall general subjects. The integration is applied in the early before the teacher\r\nbegins the lesson, in the middle when the teacher will deliver the material, or at\r\nthe end after the teacher deliver the materials, or in the interval of delivery the\r\nmaterials with different methods according to the circumstances of learners and\r\nmaterials to be given.\r\nThe pattern curriculum management integration at SMP IT Abu Bakar\r\nrefers to four POAC management functions (Planing, Organizing, Actuating, and\r\nControling) is also been running well. It is include several stages: (a) curriculum\r\nplanning, include; 1). Combining the two official curriculum and JSIT curriculum,\r\n2). Drafting a lesson unit program, 3) Drafting a teaching plan, 4). Calculating\r\neffective days and active learning hours, 5) Drafting annual program and semester\r\nprogram preparation. This plan runs fluently because it is monitored by Official\r\nservice and JSIT, the principal, and curriculum teams. (b) The organizing of this\r\ncurriculum consists to several components that are implemented; distribution of\r\nteaching tasks, lesson schedules, extracurricular activity schedules, training\r\nactivities for teachers and students, and other programs. In this case, the programs\r\nhave been formulated by the principal, deputy head of curriculum, curriculum\r\nteam, and deputy head of student affairs. (c). Implementation of the curriculum, in\r\nterms of the usage teaching methods are generally varied, appropiate to the\r\nconditions of learners and materials to be provided. (d) Evaluation of learning is\r\ndone orally or written."^^ . "2018-08-27" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 1620411076"^^ . "Siti Nur Khasanah"^^ . "NIM.: 1620411076 Siti Nur Khasanah"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1T61WQ~G.PDF"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM\r\nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA\r\n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #52064 \n\nINTEGRASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM \nSMP IT ABU BAKAR YOGYAKARTA \n(PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Kurikulum" . . . "Manajemen Pendidikan" . .