%A NIM.: 1620420007 Ike Ardianti, S.Pd.I %O Pembimbing: Dr. Sukiman, S.Ag., M.Pd. %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA KOMIK UNTUK MATA PELAJARAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM (IPA) TENTANG PROSES FOTOSINTESIS PADA SISWA SD/MI DI MIS ISLAMIYAH, TANJUNGREJO, BADEGAN, PONOROGO %X This study aims to: (1) To determine the development and design characteristics of comic learning media to improve the quality of science education, especially the photosynthetic material of fifth grade elementary school students (2) Know the feasibility of learning media in science subjects photosynthetic process material in elementary students / MI according to reviewer, peer reviewer, and SD / MI science teacher (3) To determine the effectiveness of photosynthetic comic process media in IPA SD / MI subjects. This research is a research and development (R & D). The procedure for compiling IPA comic book media consists of five stages, namely needs analysis, initial product development, expert validation and revision, limited testing and revision, final product. Research instrument used to see the feasibility of this IPA comic book media by using questionnaire sheets. The comic book media was validated by one media expert, one material expert, one language expert and then assessed by two science teachers and responded by 10 class V students at Tanjungrejo, Badegan, Ponorogo through limited testing. The quality value data obtained is still in the form of qualitative data and then processed into quantitative data. Quantitative data are analyzed for each aspect of assessment. The final score obtained is converted to a qualitatively feasible product level with guidelines according to the ideal assessment category. The results of the assessment of the comic book media of the photosynthesis process material that has been developed are as follows: (1) Based on the assessment of media experts is Good (B) with a score of 42 and an average of 3.5 (2) Based on the assessment of material experts is Very Good (SB ) with a score of 32 and an average of 4.5 (3) Based on the assessment of linguists Good (B) with a score of 19 and an average of 3.8 (4) Based on the two peer reviewers' ratings is Good with a score of 83 and the average 3,4 (5) Based on the assessment of two Natural Science Teachers is Good (B) with a score of 87 and an average of 3.6 (6) Based on the response of 10 grade V students of MIS Tanjungrejo, Badegan, Ponorogo is positive with an average score of 8. So that the products that have been developed are suitable for use. %K Pengembangan, Media Buku Komik IPA, Fotosintesis %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib52069