@mastersthesis{digilib52071, month = {July}, title = {ANALISIS MUATAN SIKAP SPIRITUAL PADA BUKU SISWA KURIKULUM 2013 MATA PELAJARAN IPA SD/MI}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 1620420010 Azmah Marvavilha, S.Pd}, year = {2018}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Muqowim, M. Ag,}, keywords = {Sikap Spiritual, Materi IPA, Buku Siswa}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52071/}, abstract = {competence that applied into learning in this Curriculum 2013. Spiritual attitude is considered important because it is the foundation of attitude and behavior. Therefore, spiritual attitude should be inculcated through the subject matter, especially on science subject that is close to the signs of God?s power. Teacher in implementing the spiritual attitude, of course, must have a book that can be used to be able to inculcate spiritual to students and can be use independently by students. As in the book that the most used by students as a guide by students in daily learning activities. Therefore, it is important to know the mapping of the content of spiritual attitudes on the learning activities on science subject in the student books and to know the content of spiritual attitudes that exist in the student books on science subject. This research was the library research by using qualitative approach. Technique of data collection that used is documentary study. Technique of data analysis that used is content analysis. The primary data source in this research are Student Book of Curriculum 2013 from Grade IV until Grade VI Elementary School on Science Subject. That books are published by the Ministry of Education and Culture that revised in 2017 (for grade IV till grade V) and published in 2015 (for grade VI). The result of this research indicate that the mapping of spiritual attitudes at student books from grade IV to grade VI on science subject are mapped into several learning activities that exist in the books, they are at introductions, main activities, illustrations, moral messages, and closing activities. The indicator of the content of spiritual attitudes that found in the student books from grade IV to grade VI elementary school are divided into several things. First, thanks God because two things, they are because of His gift and because we life in Indonesia. Second, take care what God gives to us, preserve the environment, maintain a good relationships with fellow that creatures by God. Third, worship ontime. This research has an academic contribution to encourage the necessary of inculcate the spiritual attitudes in the learning activities, and to encourage to develop a book full of spiritual attitudes, especially on science subject throuh a student books of the curriculum 2013.} }