<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA"^^ . "Scientific education would like to students to have experience and explore\r\nthe phenomena directly and actively involved in learning. The emergence of a\r\nscientific-based 2013 curriculum brings consequence on active learning through\r\nthe student experiences. However, the lack of creativity teacher inhibits in science\r\nlearning process. As a result, to understand science only on matter aspect than\r\ndirectly student's experience. To link that discrepancy, the researcher offers a\r\ndelivering method of science-knowledge through the traditional games. Through\r\nthe ethnoscience approach, this research would like to construct and concept a\r\nknowledge-science in traditional games.\r\nThe research use qualitative method with library research. The data took\r\nfrom books written by Ki Hadjar Dewantara and also the relevant writings with\r\nthe research theme. Data analysis is using content and descriptive analysis.\r\nThe research results are child traditional games (dhakon, gatheng,\r\nengklek, and gobak sodor) has scientific values. The scientific values are: 1)\r\nPhilosophy-educational science values to guide the children to natural potential.\r\n2) Religious-science values related to the balance of cognitive, affective and\r\npsychomotor aspects. 3) Intellectual-science values related to the ability to solve\r\nthe problem and brings out the alternative answers strategy of the problems. 4)\r\nPractice-science values reflected on the physical and spiritual balancing. 5)\r\nCultural-science values created from natural something that moved to the habits.\r\nAnd 6) Social-science values as a strengthener the interactions of societies that\r\nformed the social psyche. In the children's traditional games, there are science\r\nsubject matters, among others are the seed plant subject matter, the rocks subject\r\nmatter, the gravity force subject matter, the numeral subject matter, the circle and\r\nsemicircle subject matter, symmetry subject matter, the square, and rectangle\r\nsubject matter. The knowledge-science concept in children's traditional game are;\r\n1) Dhakon game there is a seed plant, circle, and numeral subject matter. 2)\r\nGatheng game there is rocks and gravity force subjects matter. 3) Engklek game\r\nthere is square and semicircle subject matters. 4) Gobak Sodor game there is a\r\nrectangle and symmetry subject matter. Integration of traditional game in\r\nscientific education can do by attached the scientific values on the learning\r\nprocess, and also as a learning subject matters or a method."^^ . "2018-07-12" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTASI ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 1620420015"^^ . "Iflahathul Chasanah"^^ . "NIM.: 1620420015 Iflahathul Chasanah"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1VME16~V.PDF"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Text)"^^ . . . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "INTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN\r\nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #52075 \n\nINTEGRASI BUDAYA DALAM PENDIDIKAN SAINS: KAJIAN \nETNOSAINS PADA PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK DALAM BUKU PENDIDIKAN KARYA KI HADJAR DEWANTARA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Pendidikan Karakter" . . . "Media Pembelajaran" . . . "Pendidikan Sains" . .