%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Arlin Anggraini, NIM.: 1620420018 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2018 %F digilib:52078 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K School Well Being, Sekolah Inklusi, Penilaian Pendidikan %P 205 %T SCHOOL WELL BEING PADA SISWA INKLUSI DI SD INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC SCHOOL (INTIS SCHOOL) YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52078/ %X Starting from the government regulation that every citizen has the same rights to receive education, and citizens who have physical, emotional, intellectual, and mental disorders are entitled to special education. School is a place for every child to learn formally to get education services as their provision in facing the future. Every child wants them to be accepted and become part of the school community both in class, with teachers and peers. Problems in schools related to meeting the needs of students and cases of bullying, certainly interfere with the convenience of students in the teaching and learning process. Referring to these problems there is a program that is used as a measuring tool to analyze the fulfillment of the needs of students in schools known as school well being which includes four aspects including having, loving, being, health. Researchers want to find out about meeting the needs of inclusive education at SD INTIS School Yogyakarta. This study used qualitative research methods. Used to extract data about the welfare of students at school or school well being in inclusive schools. The object of the thesis research above is the school well being in inclusion students. While the subjects are class teachers totaling 24 people, students and principals. To answer these problems researchers used data collection methods in the form of interviews, observation, documentation and data triangulation techniques. The results obtained showed that, (1) the aspect of having at SD INTIS School included schools that had tried to meet the needs of their students. However, it still does not meet the need for students with special needs regarding the physical environment of schools such as narrow land and less friendly stairs. (2) In the aspect of loving, interaction between regular students, teachers with students are good. The interaction between the school and parents has also been established with the existence of whatsApp group and the routine meeting agenda. (3) In the aspect of being, there is the development of teacher competencies such as training and seminars, while students' competencies are listed in extracurricular, outing school and entrepreneurship. (4) On the health aspects, the cleanliness of the school environment, class, WC, UKS, and other hygiene facilities are in accordance with the standards. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. H. Abdul Munip, M.Ag